Every Qatari who fulfills the conditions required for the election of members of the Central Municipal Council by Article (1) of the first chapter of the prince Decree No. 17 of 1998 regarding the election of members of the Central Municipal Council. Every voter must exercise his or her right to vote in the electoral district.
The number of electoral districts in the country (29) constituency, indicating its borders and regions, each of which is the decision of the Minister of Interior No. (51) for the year 2014. Each electoral constituency has a seat designated to implement the various procedures of the electoral process, from registering voters and candidates, adjudicating appeals, conducting the election, and announcing the results.
His/her original nationality is Qatari or has passed since his/her nationality Qatar is at least fifteen years old.
Must be over Eighteen years old AD.
That he was not previously convicted of a crime involving dishonor or dishonesty unless he has been rehabilitated.
Be a resident actual stay in the constituency election.
Not to be a person working in the armed forces or the police.
If you meet the required requirements, exercise your right to register your name in the voters' tables as follows:
After verifying the data and providing the required conditions, the committee registers the name of the voter in the voters slate and published at the relevant electoral district as soon as the necessary procedures are completed in such a way that citizens can see it. Voters who are not on the voters' list are entitled within a week to apply to the Voter Registration Commission to add their name to the list and may apply similarly to remove their name from the voter slate in the voters' lists without right
In each constituency, there is a committee called the Committee for the Examination of Appeals and Grievances. This is to adjudicate appeals and grievances
The applicant must be restricted to the constituency to which the contested voter belongs.
Within seven days of the date of the announcement of the voter schedules
- Appeal or grievance shall be submitted to the committee for the examination of appeals and grievances on the day following its submission, the committee will decide on it within seven days of its submission.
- The date of the election of the members of the Central Municipal Council shall be announced at the headquarters of the districts electoral at least twenty-one days before the election, as
The names of the candidates are displayed at the headquarters of each electoral district.
Conditions: The applicant must be restricted to the constituency to which the candidate belongs contested against.
Date: Within seven days of the date of the special disclosure with the candidates.
Reasons: The required membership requirements for the candidate are not available.
- The objection will be decided within seven days of submission.
On the day of the election, you must follow the following steps:
- The election process will run from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m then the committees start counting the vote.
-The names of those elected at the constituency headquarters are announced following the emergence of a result elections directly.
Who has the right to appeal: Every voter or candidate has the right to apply for annulment election of any member elected in his constituency within 15 days of the announcement of results for the following reasons:
-The Committee investigates the appeal and submits its report to the Municipal Council accompanied by its recommendations, the decision of the Central Municipal Council shall be final and published In the official newspaper.